
Curated collection of free and paid resources to help you streamline your workflow, improve your skills, and stay on top of industry trends.

Maximizing Your Output: 100+ Chat GPT Tips for Freelancers and Agency Owners

Looking to boost your productivity as a freelancer or agency owner? Look no further than this comprehensive e-book filled with over 100 hacks and tips to help you streamline your workflow, manage your time effectively, and get more done in less time.

Client Brief Template - Free Notion Template

By using this Client Brief Template, creative agencies, freelancers, side hustlers, and hobbyists can gather all the necessary information from their clients and ensure that their team can deliver projects that meet their needs and expectations.
project proposal template

Customizable Client Project Proposal Template

With our easy-to-use template, you can customize the proposal with your branding and project details to give your clients a personalized experience. Whether you're a freelancer or a small business owner, this template will help you save time and impress your clients with a polished and comprehensive proposal.

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