Project Management

Move your projects smoothly, from “to-do” to “done”.

View summarized stats

Project management section shows you the stats at one go with vitals such as, number of active projects and number of completed projects. 

Create a Project in 2 minutes

Creating a project in SynchroWork is just super easy, even a person with no project management knowledge can start. 

All your projects at one place

All the projects that you create comes in a tabular format in that helps you check the status and summary of a project at one go.

Keep things up-to date step wise

Checklist helps you keep your client updated with notifications on the project’s progress. Just, list down the line items to be done and mark done when it’s covered.

Ready to give it a try?

SynchroWork is helping agencies like yours save huge time on project management, efficiently every month.

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